
í augnablikinu er engin aðferð til að keyra Tor-vafrann á eldri Windows símum, en hvað varðar nýrri Microsoft-vörumerkta síma er hægt að fylgja sömu skrefum eins og fyrir Tor-vafrann á Android.

Samtökin 'The Guardian Project' viðhalda Orbot (og öðrum gagnaleyndarforritum) á Android. Nánari upplýsingar er að finna á vefsvæði Guardian-verkefnisins.

We recommend iOS apps Onion Browser and Orbot for a secure connection to Tor. Onion Browser and Orbot are open source, use Tor routing, and are developed by someone who works closely with the Tor Project. Hinsvegar; Apple krefst þess að vafrar á iOS-stýrikerfinu noti Webkit, sem kemur í veg fyrir að Onion Browser geti verið með alveg sömu varnir fyrir persónuupplýsingar eins og Tor-vafrinn veitir.

Lesa meira um Onion Browser vafrann. Download Onion Browser and Orbot from the App Store.

Þótt bæði Tor-vafrinn fyrir Android og Orbot séu frábær hugbúnaður, þjóna þau samt mismunandi tilgangi. Tor Browser for Android is like the desktop Tor Browser, but on your mobile device. It is a one stop browser that uses the Tor network and tries to be as anonymous as possible. Orbot on the other hand is a proxy that will enable you to send the data from your other applications (E-Mail clients, instant messaging apps, etc.) through the Tor network; a version of Orbot is also inside of Tor Browser for Android, and is what enables it to connect to the Tor network. That version, however, does not enable you to send other apps outside of Tor Browser for Android through it. Depending on how you want to use the Tor network, either one or both of these could be a great option.

Yes, there is a version of Tor Browser available specifically for Android. Installing Tor Browser for Android is all you need to run Tor on your Android device.

The Guardian Project provides the app Orbot which can be used to route other apps on your Android device over the Tor network, however only Tor Browser for Android is needed to browse the web with Tor.

The tracking code being reported is carried over from Firefox for Android as Tor Browser is based on Firefox. Exodus and other analysis tools have conducted static analysis of this tracking code, which does not verify whether the tracking code is active or disabled. All of the tracking code is disabled in Tor Browser for Android. Additionally, a complete removal of the tracking code is planned.