The #tor-project channel is where Tor people discuss and coordinate daily Tor work. It has fewer members than #tor and is more focused on the work at hand. You are also welcome to join this channel. To access #tor-project, your nickname (nick) must be registered and verified.

Here's how to reach #tor-project and other registered channels.

Register your nickname

  1. Log onto #tor. See How can I chat with Tor Project teams?

  2. Then, click on the word "Status" at the top left of the screen.

  3. In the window at the bottom of the page, type: /msg nickserv REGISTER yournewpassword youremailaddress

  4. Hit enter.

If all goes well, you will receive a message that you are registered.

The system may register you as your nick_ instead of your nick.

If so, just go with it but remember you are user_ and not user.

Every time you log on to IRC, to identify your registered nick, type:

/nick yournick

/msg nickserv IDENTIFY YourPassWord

How to verify your nickname

After registering your nickname, to gain access to the #tor-project and other protected channels, your nickname must be verified.

  1. Go to and follow the steps in the 'To verify your account' section

  2. Go back to the IRC webpage where you are logged in and type:

    /msg nickserv checkverify

  3. Smelltu á ENTER.

  4. If all is well, you will receive a message that says:


Usermodechange: +R

!NickServ- Successfully set +R on your nick.

Your nick is verified!

Now, to join #tor-project, you can just type:

/join #tor-project og smelltu á Enter.

You will be allowed into the channel. If so, Congratulations!

However, if you get stuck, you can ask for help in the #tor channel.

You can toggle back and forth between channels by clicking on the different channel names at the top left of the IRC window.