Releji mostova su Tor releji koji nisu nabrojeni u javnoj Tor mapi.

That means that ISPs or governments trying to block access to the Tor network can't simply block all bridges. Mostovi su korisni za korisnike Tora u opresivnim režimima i za ljude koji žele dodatni sloj sigurnosti, jer se brinu o tome, da će netko prepoznati da kontaktiraju javnu IP adresu Tor releja.

A bridge is just a normal relay with a slightly different configuration. See How do I run a bridge for instructions.

Several countries, including China and Iran, have found ways to detect and block connections to Tor bridges. Obfsproxy bridges address this by adding another layer of obfuscation. Setting up an obfsproxy bridge requires an additional software package and additional configurations. See our page on pluggable transports for more info.