Tor Browser måste hållas uppdaterad hela tiden. Om du fortsätter att använda en föråldrad version av programvaran, kan du vara utsatt för allvarliga säkerhetsbrister som äventyrar din integritet och anonymitet.

Tor Browser will prompt you to update the software once a new version has been released: the main menu (≡) will display a green circle with an upwards facing arrow in it, and you may see a written update indicator when Tor Browser opens. You can update either automatically or manually.


Select 'Restart to update Tor Browser' under the main menu

When you are prompted to update Tor Browser, click on the main menu (≡), then select "Update available - restart now".

Update progress bar

Wait for the update to download and install, then Tor Browser will restart itself. You will now be running the latest version.


När du uppmanas att uppdatera Tor Browser, avsluta webbläsningssessionen och stäng programmet.

Remove Tor Browser from your system by deleting the folder that contains it (see the Uninstalling section for more information).

Visit and download a copy of the latest Tor Browser release, then install it as before.